Paul Kepple
Paul Kepple
Before it was the film of Audrey Hepburn’s most famous role,
or a song by Deep Blue Something, Breakfast at Tiffany’s was simply a classic
American novella by Truman Capote. Capote’s story follows the fictional
character Miss Holiday Golightly, the iconic pioneer of the “Manic Pixie
Dreamgirl” archetype.
For the first half of this project, I typeset excerpts from the story into 12 spreads, and accompanied them with original illustrations in a style I developed for the book. I also designed endpapers, a book cover, and all faces of the book jacket. I printed these designs and compiled all the components into a high-fidelity prototype of my publication using the Coptic-stitch book-binding technique.
For the first half of this project, I typeset excerpts from the story into 12 spreads, and accompanied them with original illustrations in a style I developed for the book. I also designed endpapers, a book cover, and all faces of the book jacket. I printed these designs and compiled all the components into a high-fidelity prototype of my publication using the Coptic-stitch book-binding technique.
Book Jacket

Binding and Endpapers
